Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 254

Gulf of Mexico OCS Region 

The U.S. Department of the Interior’s Land and Mineral Management and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) are proposing a regionwide lease sale for 78 million acres in the federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) on March 18, 2020. Lease Sale 254 will include 14,585 unleased blocks, from three to 231 miles offshore, in the Gulf’s Western, Central and Eastern planning areas in vary water depths of 9 feet up to more than 11,000 feet. 

Lease Sale 254 Offer Blocks LANDING

TGS has extensive 2D and 3D coverage over the GoM Lease Sale 254 area

TGS leads the industry in offering a wide variety of subsurface Gulf of Mexico (GoM) data covering all the key blocks on offer in Lease Sale 254. This data expands the entire GoM and includes modern 3D surveys in key areas and 2D regional surveys. TGS also offers an extensive library of well log data, production and forecasting datasets, Multibeam Bathymetry, Geochemical Core Analysis and Post Well Analysis interpretation


Gain the subsurface insights you need with our advanced imaging techniques and solutions

TGS continues to uplift imaging in the GoM through modern acquisition and reprocessing initiatives. Advanced imaging techniques are being developed and utilized to further illuminate key subsurface structures and reservoirs providing insight into new exploration prospects. New seismic projects, such as Amendment FAN, Eastern Delta Refocus, and Declaration Refocus, will highlight a new era of exploration and development success. TGS data continues to assist E&P companies to gain a better understanding of both regional and reservoir scale geology, allowing the most effective evaluation of the license areas ahead of bid submissions.

Following the trends in Lease Sale 253, Lease Sale 254 is expected to show continued interest in Norphlet prospects in the Mississippi Canyon, De Soto Canyon, and Lloyd Ridge protraction areas as wells as Mid to Lower Miocene plays near salt and subsalt in the Green Canyon, Atwater Valley and Mississippi Canyon protraction areas. These plays are often found at great depths or are near complex salt structures, both of which have been traditionally difficult to image seismically. TGS is leading the industry in providing imaging solutions to better illuminate these modern exploration targets allowing smaller cycle times from bid evaluation to proven prospects.

This will be the sixth offshore sale under Interior’s 2017-2022 OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program. Ten lease sales are scheduled under the current program, with two auctions/year. The fifth nationwide auction (Lease Sale 253), which was held Aug. 21, 2019 yielded almost $159.4 million in high bids for 151 tracts from 27 operators. 

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