Completion Data is HERE! 

Now benchmark well performance to completion variables and identify profitable drilling locations. 

Our initial release of Completion Data is now available in Longbow US Wells & Forecast View. Adding completion Data to Longbow allows you to generate specific, custom tailored queries to analyze well performance, correlated to various completion variables such as: 

  • Calculate EUR per 1000' of Lateral Length
  • Plot 30 Day IP vs Lateral Length, Number of Frac Stages
  • Analyze 6 Month Cum vs Proppant Intensity and Frac Fluid Volume

This release (V2.95) of Longbow contains completion details on actively producing horizontal well completed in 2005 forward in Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. Updates to new wells and additional infill data will be added monthly. Completion details, as available, include lateral length, drilling days, number of frac stages, stage length, amount and type of frac fluid, amount and type of proppant, treatment remarks, choke size, max treatment rate and max treatment pressure.


CORRECT Lat Length vs Peak Month (004)


We are working to expand our completion data coverage across the active US Basins. Up next will be the Rocky Mountain States, starting with Wyoming, North Dakota, Colorado, Utah and Montana. Ohio and Pennsylvania will follow. 




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